Lacoqutte is a reputed women's salon that has been offering a variety of beauty services from the last 20 years. Their professional beauty team aims to deliver luxurious and relaxing beauty treatments. Due to its versatile range of services for skin, hair, lashes, etc, it gained popularity in the market.
However, they manage the salon's operations with traditional methods which are not efficient. Relying on traditional approaches for appointment management and other salon operations causes errors. To overcome this, they found Salonist.
In Salonist you can Integrate tools that you are already using for the better salon business growth.
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The Salonist app is the Quickest, Easiest way to book and keep track of your appointments.
Scan the QR Code to get the app nowSwitch to Salonist and transform your business. Get the best out of your business with this game-changer Salon & Spa Management Software