Here’s why Salonist is the best alternative to Boulevard!.
Salonist helps you manage multiple appointments in the calendar and shows each appointment's details. Whereas, Boulevard doesn’t display appointment details especially which service is requested.
Salonist offers:
Salonist easily integrates with different third-party systems through API. This includes Wix,, Google Analytics 360, QuickBooks WordPress, Stripe, etc. However, Boulevard has limited integration options.
Salonist integrates with:
Salonist is a multi-user salon booking software that allows you to make it accessible to your entire salon team. You can permit anyone to use this software from the receptionist to the marketing team. On the other hand, Boulevard doesn’t provide this feature and limits access to some features.
Salonist helps in:
Salonist tracks each employee’s performance, leaves, attendance, and deductions, to calculate their accurate payrolls and quickly credit in their accounts. However, Boulevard doesn’t offer this feature which increases manual workload.
Salonist offers:
Salonist also supports pet grooming salon businesses and provides many advanced features to run it smoothly. However, Boulevard is not available for pet grooming businesses.
Salonist manages:
Salonist provides a payment management service to handle all transactions and payments. On the other Boulevard doesn’t offer this feature, making it harder to manage financial records in an organized manner.
Salonist helps in:
Salonist software leads your business ahead of other competitors. In addition to these, Salonist provides Waitlist Status Tracking, SOAP notes, customer reviews, and many more features. All these advanced tools make it the best alternative to Boulevard software.
Request a DemoI am truly impressed by how customizable Salonist is, I mean it provides everything I need for my salon. - Venessa Phang Director
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The Salonist app is the Quickest, Easiest way to book and keep track of your appointments.
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